Medical Review Team

Injurymap’s team of medical reviewers ensures that our content always meets the highest level of quality, veracity, and integrity. Every page on the Injurymap website containing medical information has been vetted by a member of our medical review team to reflect the latest health information and evidence-based science in musculoskeletal medicine.

Pierre Schydlowsky's profile picture
Pierre Schydlowsky, Ph.DSpecialist doctor of rheumatology
Certificate doctor of sports medicine


Dr. Pierre Schydlowsky specializes in rheumatology and sports medicine. He graduated from The University of Copenhagen in 1985 and obtained the title of Ph.D. in 1999 and the title of specialist doctor of rheumatology in 2002. Between 1995-1998, he held the position of reserve doctor of rheumatology at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. Since 1998 he has been leading his own specialist medical practice in Værløse, Denmark.

Dr. Schydlowsky has served as a board member of DRS (Danish Society of Rheumatologists), DIMS (Danish Society of Sports Medicine), DSMM (Danish Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine), and as the vice president of DRFO (Danish Organization for Rheumatologists and Physiatrists).

He has published a large number of research articles in leading medical journals (see the list below) and served as a medical reviewer and editor for, the official portal for the public Danish Healthcare Services. Dr. Schydlowsky has been the main contributor to the development of national clinical guidelines for diagnosing and treating rotator cuff syndrome and several other musculoskeletal shoulder conditions.



  1. Treatment of Frozen Shoulder with subcutaneous TNF-alpha blockade compared with local glucocorticoid injection. A randomised pilot study. P. Schydlowsky, M. Szkudlarek, O.R. MadsenClin Rheumatol Volume 31, Issue 8 (2012), Page 1247-1251.
  2. The value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of labral lesions in patients with anterior shoulder dislocation. Eur J Ultrasound 1998; 8: 107-13. P. Schydlowsky, C. Strandberg, H. Galbo, M. Krogsgaard, U. Jørgensen.
  3. Treatment of "Frozen Shoulder with Distension and Glucocortocoid compared with Glucocorticoid alone. A. Gam, P. Schydlowsky, I. Rossel, L. Remvig, E.M Jensen. Scan J Rheum 1998; 27(6): 425-30.
More published articles here

Finn Johannsen's profile picture
Finn Johannsen, MDSpecialist doctor of rheumatology
Certificate doctor of sports medicine


Dr. Finn Johannsen is a specialist doctor in rheumatology with special expertise in sports medicine. He is currently serving as the chief physician and a researcher at the Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen, a division of the Copenhagen University Hospital. He graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1986 and obtained the title of specialist doctor of rheumatology in 1997. Dr. Johannsen is a board member of DSMM (Danish Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine) and DRFO (Danish Organization for Rheumatologists and Physiatrists). He has previously served as a board member and vice president of DIMS (Danish Society of Sports Medicine).

Dr. Johannsen has almost 20 years experience as a Team Denmark doctor, and in his spare time he competes as an athlete at the World Masters Championship level. His research articles have been widely published in leading medical journals (see list below) and his books have sold more than 15.000 copies in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.



  1. Bakkegård M, Johannsen F, Langberg H. Ultrasonography as a prognostic and objective parameter in Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective observational study. Eur J Radiol 2015;84:458-462.
  2. Weetke E, Johannsen F, Langberg H. Achilles tendinopathy, the effect of active rehabilitation and steroid injections ina clinical setting. Scand J Med Sci Sport 2015;25:e392-e399.
  3. Hansen P, Johannsen FE (shared first), Hangaard S, Stallknecht SE, Hansen BB, Nybing JD, Boesen M. Navicular bone position determined by positional MRI: a reproducibility study.Skeletal Radiol. 2016 Feb;45(2):205-11. doi: 10.1007/s00256-015-2272-8.
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