Treat your pain with Injurymap

Injurymap is an exercise app that helps you recover from muscle & joint pain. The app adjusts your exercise plan according to your specific needs.

A plan just for you

Injurymap builds a customized program to address your specific pain.

Guiding you through your recovery

Shorten your path to recovery by following our guided exercises, videos and more.

Reach your goal

Take an active role and get back to doing the things you love!

Don't let pain stop you from doing the things you love

We believe in everyone’s ability to help themselves, so we’re on a mission to give people the tools to treat their own muscle & joint pain.

Take care of yourself.

Injurymaps programs are developed with specialist doctors to give you all the tools you need to treat your own muscle & joint pain. Browse our basic programs to get started on a customised plan.

View all Programs


Reflections from the Injurymap community.

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I have an old ankle injury that has been difficult to rehabilitate as the pain only comes once in a while. I've tried with a normal workout plan. It was not very beneficial as the exercises could not be adjusted. Injurymap has increased my motivation to exercise regularly and it is nice to feel that the program is being adjusted.
- Rafikidk
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Karsten Oestergaard
Very good app. It has a lot of different exercises you can do anywhere. The app is good at reminding you when it's time for the next training session. I have used it to treat my tennis elbow, and I highly recommend it.
- Karsten Østergaarrd
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Works well against sciatica pain
Nice with an app where I can do something myself to get my sciatica pain away. Easy to follow instructions, motivating to measure progress and getting notifications to remember training. Thanks, dear guys, behind Injurymap for this self-help app!
- Mrs. Forberg

Treat your pain with Injurymap

Download the app to get a customized program that addresses your specific pain with exercises.

$9.49 129 kr.
Most Popular
$40.99 779 kr.
$3.42 / month
65 kr. pr. måned
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