Neck pain

Pain in your neck is a common experience that can result from several causes. The pain is often felt in the neck itself, but you may also experience that the pain radiates out into your shoulder(s), and/or you may experience headaches due to tense muscles.

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Why does it hurt?

Tissue damage may be one reason you’re experiencing pain. Repetitive and continued movement of your neck could also cause it, while stress and bad posture are another pair of common denominators. Other common causes are:

  1. Excessive strain: The ligaments and muscles of your neck are subjected to an unaccustomed strain over a longer period of time.

  2. Acute injury: Your neck is damaged due to a sudden and overwhelming injury caused by an exterior force.

  3. Degeneration: Tendons, ligaments and muscles become weaker and stiffer with age, which naturally increases the risk of injury and pain.

Pain is the body’s way of telling you to ease the strain on your neck. Two things are critical in treating your pain:

  • Reduce the activities that led to your pain. Also make sure to sit up straight and keep a straight posture when walking and standing.

  • Perform exercises that increase the mobility of your neck, so the stiffness and pain don't get any worse.

How Injurymap treats your neck pain

Injurymap’s program for treating your neck pain consists of exercises that stimulate and help rehabilitate the tendons, muscles and ligaments. The first exercises focus on light mobility, which will prepare you for the stability and strength exercises that will return your neck to normal functioning. Stretching exercises are also a part of the program, and they will help ensure your continued mobility and the avoidance of future injury.


Exercises for Neck pain

  1. Head bend II
    10 reps

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    • Sit upright.
    • Bend your head forward as far as possible, then backwards as far as possible.
    • Repeat the movement 10 times in both directions.
  2. Head rotation with resistance I
    5 reps

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    • Keep your head in a neutral position.
    • Put one hand on top of the temple.
    • Use your neck muscles to counter the movement while you attempt to turn your head with your hand.
    • Your head should be kept still and directed forward.
    • Press for 5 seconds to the left and the right, repeat this 5 times.
  3. Stretch between shoulder blades
    30 sec. x 3 sets

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    • Sit on a chair.
    • Merge your fingers and place them under one knee.
    • Relax your shoulders, push your leg towards the floor and feel the stretch between your shoulder blades.
    • Then do the same with the opposite leg.
    • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and perform 3 repetitions with each leg.

Treat your pain with Injurymap

Download the app to get a customized program that addresses your specific pain with exercises.